Monday, May 16, 2011

Day 2: Sunday May 15, 2011

Today marked the first day of our internship at the Dubai Contracting Company. Starting off the day we were introduced to our team of students which comprised of three LAU students and three Syracuse University students. We were able to pick our own work stations in clusters of our teams. We were then issued our PPE bags (Personal Protective Equipment) which included steel toe boots, safety glasses, gloves, vest and hard hat.
After choosing our work stations, we were provided with a lecture of an overview of the Dubai Contracting Company. Following the lecture, we were given a tour of the entire DCC office building as well as individual departments where department leaders gave us a specific overview of what their department does and is in charge of.
We ended the tour in the office of Mr. Yabroudi, the CEO of DCC, where we took a customary group picture after which he informed us that we had 10 minutes or so to prepare for a drop quiz.
Lunch was quite an experience; we tried a new food called Kibbeh, with Chicken and Rice in addition to a chocolate cake all in our DCC dining room. The afternoon consisted of a lecture by Mr. Pat Doyle, a man with a great Irish accent who discussed health and safety regulations in DCC. At the end of the day we had some free time to explore Dubai.

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