Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Monday- May 23rd and Tuesday- May 24th

In the morning session on May 23, 2011, we learned about cost estimation from Mr. Naim Mohamed, the Chief Estimator for the Dubai Contracting Company. First, he outlined the different aspects that make up tender documents from instructions to tenderers through specifications. The fourth component of a tender document is the Bill of Quantities, BOQ. We learned about the fifteen bills that make up the Bill of Quantities and how each differs from the others.

Once tender documents are received and the documents are reviewed, the quantities must be checked. We practiced an example that broke down the different components of a complete building and associated costs to understand the total cost spent on the project.

After the lunch, we went to visit the ERGA group offices in Dubai. The company started in 1982 in Lebanon and began working in Dubai as a consultant company in 2003. This company has been involved with more than 310 projects in Dubai. Their biggest projects include the Rolex tower and the Burj Al Salam. The Burj Al Salam is currently being built. We were introduced to different procurement strategies and the selection of the best strategy for specific projects. From these different procurement strategies, we learned about the pros and cons of the traditional contract, the design and build contract, the design and construction management contract and a consortium or alliance contract. We also saw some pictures about different project that ERGA worked on in Dubai, but also in other nations.

To conclude our visit, we went for a tour through the offices where we met many architects and engineers working on different projects and drawings. This opportunity allowed us to experience the different projects that these engineers were working on and ask questions about their career paths.
Here are some completed projects ERGA has done with DCC:
014 and Rolex Towers

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