Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Day 4 - Tuesday May 17th

Departing from the Topaz Living Courts at 8 am, and were driven by the Sheikh’s Palace entrance where few dozens of peacocks were lining the road.
In the DCC offices, we continued our work on construction drawings by looking at some drawings for different projects in Dubai and the UAE, which included the Kingdom of Sheba project that we will visit later in the internship. A small pop quiz was given to ensure that everyone understood all the elements of these drawings. The presentations were introduced and we started our work as a team for our first presentation which will take place this Saturday, May 21.
In the afternoon, Mr. Ian J. Harper, the Contract Director at the DCC, gave us a lecture about Construction Management. Many of these concepts covered in the lecture were outlined in the Construction Stage of Construction Management. This lecture contained a description of the major elements needed in the Construction Stage, including formal agreements, instructions to proceed, the Construction Management team, the General Project Document, and months progress reports. We also learned about the different personnel involved in each aspect of the Construction Stage.

After work, Mr. Yabroudi took all of the interns, Professor Clemence and his wife to dinner at the Dubai Mall, the largest mall in the world. We ate at a Lebanese restaurant were the food was never ending. The waiters served traditional Lebanese and Middle Eastern food on platters that were shared by the entire table. We were exposed to different appetizers including fatouch, which resembles a salad, and homos, among others. For the main course, we had soujouk, which is similar to spicy sausage and mashawi, which is a combination of meat, chicken, and vegetables.

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