Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Wednesday, May 25--Conrad Hotel

We left the hotel at 7:45 in the morning, and headed to our first site visit, The Conrad Hotel, which will be a 7 star hotel when completed. At first, we were given a brief introductory and a site specific safety induction. The tower is owned by PPM (Private Properties Management), and designed by SRSS (Smallwood Reynolds Stewart & Stewart). Arabtec and DCC both work together as the m

ain contractor for the Conrad Hotel. The original budget was 1.076 billion AED and the duration was initially expected to be 3 years. However, due to different delays in the car park and underground services, the budget is expected to go up to 1.7 billion AED and be completed in June 2012. The total area of the project is 182,233 m^2, which is equivalent to 1,961,540 ft^2.

The project is divided into two parts: the car park and the tower. The car park consists of 13 floors that fit for 1056 cars. The foundation consists of three concrete slabs and the finished car park has an automated system that transports the vehicles to the parking spots without human interaction. This system includes huge transfer beams that are three meters depth and will be able to carry seven floors above them. The tower includes three basements, a ground floor, six podiums, and hotel rooms and offices for more than 35 floors. We went up to the 51st floor where we were introduced to the different types of cranes, hoists and lifts used. We also saw the cladding and storage on the 46th floor, where the MEP structures were erected and then built up around them. Then, we went to the 24th floor where we saw a mock hotel room. One unique feature that will be included in the rooms is the mirrors in the bathrooms will be heated so that they do not fog up when you shower. Next, we moved down to the levels 4 and 2, where we went into ballrooms. After that, we proceeded to the Mezzanine level and learned about the ceiling under construction that has a shape of an intersection of a cylinder with a sphere.

One of the major features of this project is its automated Car Park that is considered the biggest in the Middle East. Another important feature is the large variety of aspects implemented in the design such as pre-cast concrete, post-tensioned members, steel structures, and composite sections. The greatest on-site difficulties include logistic challenges due to little space around the tower, as well as the coordination between subcontractors.

1 comment:

  1. Great!
    I did a 2 month training there with Arabtec starting july 2011
    at that time, construction started on the bridge connecting the parking building to the tower with swimming pools on top of it. cool stuff!
